Emoticon of the year 2010

It’s finished the ultimate emoticon battle 2010 is over and we have a winner to announce.

The pulp fiction emoticon

Pulp Fiction Dance Emoticon by Gomotes

with 14 votes catch the title emoticon of the year 2010

Thank you to all of you, which was part of the ultimate emoticon battle 2010, we had 69 people who vote there favorite emoticon. And I’m happy that every emoticon get at least almost one vote.

yay emoticon

yay emoticon

the emoticon of the year 2009 catch 11 votes and ranked 2nd place

moustache & facepalm emoticon

moustache emoticon facepalm emoticon

with 7 votes both emoticons get on the 3rd place

samara emoticon

samara emoticon

with 6 votes samara get the 4th place

ak47 & love emoticon

AK 47 Emoticon by Gomotes love emoticon

with 5 votes both emoticon catch the 5th place

sigh hug emoticon

sigh hug emoticon

with 4 votes we have here the 6th place

lmao & awesome emoticon

lmao emoticon awesome emoticon

with 3 votes both emoticons get on 7th place

welcome emoticon

welcome emoticon

with 2 votes the welcome catch the 8th place

w00t & eager emoticon

w00t emoticon Eager Emoticon by Gomotes

both with 1 vote reached the 9th place

I hope all of you had a lot of fun with the ultimate emoticon battle 2010. Don’t forget that allready start a new emoticon battle found at the bottom of the page.

  • Emoticon Box
  • Mood: Smile Emoticon by Gomotes

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