Introducing of the Emoticon Box

Hey guys,

it’s time to give you more information, about the Emoticon Box at Gomotes. The Emoticon Box have a lot of features and information, to make your experience at Gomotes even more exciting.

  • The Emoticon Box is part of every article on Gomotes. There are slight differences between information and emote articles. But the Emoticon Box will always display at the end of the article.

In information articles you’ll find some useful links, my actual mood or the option to share this article.

example of informationbox
Example how a information box would look like.

If you browse an emote the box information change.

example of emoticon box
Example how a emote box would look like.

You see the Emoticon Box offer you a lot of information and options you can use. Let us take a look at the individual options.

Designed by
A information, who was the creator of the emote.

If you enjoy the emote, click at the grey or green emote.
More informations about the rating feature.

I know my emotes are very small. With Zoom you’ve the option, to made the emote bigger so you could recognize more details. A click on the buttons, will zoom in or zoom out the emote.
More informations about the zoom feature.

Change Background
Take a preview, how the emote will look, on different backgrounds. Click the dark or light button to change the background.
More informations about the change background feautre.

Emoticon Archive
Find similar emotes behind this link.

Emoticon Awards
If an emote was awarded, it get a little badge.
More informations about this feature.

Different information, for example if someone give the idea or request for the emote.

Use this code to display the emote into message boards.
More informations about this feature.

Implant the emote to your site or blog.
More informations about this feature.

The URL of the emote.
More informations about this feature.

Mail the emote link directly via mail to your friends.
More information about this option.

How do I feel at the moment, sometimes I express it with one of my emotes.

  • Emoticon Box
  • Info: You want to learn more about Gomotes? Then take a look at the tutorials.