Gomotes colorful WordPress Emoticon Set

Hi guys,
today I publish, the first emoticon pack on Gomotes, it’s made for the web software WordPress. Here on Gomotes the emoticon set is already active. So if you use the text emoticon codes from WordPress, it is now replaced with new emoticons from the colorful WordPress emoticon set.

Gomotes colorful WordPress Emoticon Set

colorful WordPress emoticon set

Pixelfont by: pjuk

The emoticon set included all 22 emoticons from the original WordPress smilies. I tried to replace the default smileys, with some fresh emoticons and I hope you like the way I interpreted some of the old emoticons. Following a overview over the whole emoticon set.

old: arrow new: Sign Arrow Animation Emoticon by Gomotes :arrow:
old: big grin new: Big Grin Emoticon by Gomotes :D
old: confused new: Confused Emoticon by Gomotes :?
old: cool new: Cool Emoticon by Gomotes :cool:
old: cry new: Cry Emoticon by Gomotes :cry:
old: eek new: Eek Emoticon by Gomotes 8O
old: evil new: Evil Emoticon by Gomotes :evil:
old: exclaim new: Sign Exclaim Animation Emoticon by Gomotes :!:
old: idea new: Sign Idea Animation Emoticon by Gomotes :idea:
old: mad new: Annoyed Emoticon by Gomotes :x
old: neutral new: Stare Emoticon by Gomotes :|
old: razz new: Tongue Emoticon by Gomotes :P
old: question new: Sign Question Animation Emoticon by Gomotes :?:
old: mr green new: Grin Emoticon by Gomotes :mrgreen:
old: lol new: Lol Emoticon by Gomotes :lol:
old: red face new: Red Face Emoticon by Gomotes :oops:
old: roll eyes new: Eyes Roll Emoticon by Gomotes :roll:
old: sad new: Frown Emoticon by Gomotes :(
old: smile new: Smile Emoticon by Gomotes :)
old: suprised new: Oh Emoticon by Gomotes :o
old: twisted new: Evil Twisted Emoticon by Gomotes :twisted:
old: wink new: Wink Emoticon by Gomotes ;)

The emoticon set is free, and you can use it on your own WordPress site. Just notice, some little informations, to this emoticon set.

  • If you want to share this emoticon pack with your friends, please send them directly to Gomotes.

How to style up the default WordPress smileys, with this emoticon set?
It’s very simple just download the file, open it now with WinRAR or any other programm to unpack .rar files. Please read the readme.txt, for more informations around the emoticon set.

Upload the files now to your webhost, into the directory

  • http://www.yoursite.com/wordpress/wp-includes/images/smilies/

Replace all 22 emoticons and this is it. Refresh your browser and the new emoticons are displayed in your articles and comments.

Cave: If you update your WordPress to a new version and you delete old folders. Be sure, to upload the emoticon set again on your server.

Thank you for your attention and have a lot fun with the Gomotes colorful WordPress emoticon set.

I’m really curious so if you use my emotes on your page let me know it.

  • Emoticon Box
  • Mood: Yay Emoticon by Gomotes